About Nameless Faceless

Nameless Faceless has been launched back in the spring of 2004 in a small town in The Netherlands. The team has had different members at different times for different purposes. Last time we ever made a public appearance as a worshipteam was probably back in 2012. I don't really recall...  Since than we have been ministering to our Lord and Saviour exclusively. Worshipping Him in our personal private times with Him, which is still the greatest place to worship, period.

Having said that, I do miss corparate worship times with the body of Christ. Helping people entering in the presence of Almighty God, even in the midst of a crowd, is a beautiful thing to do. Because at His feet is where we are changing. In His arms is where fruit is imparted. Where we receive pure love, not just for ourselves but to share with this world. In the secret place is where He establishes in us a conformity into His very own image.
It's all there. It's our very pre-destination. To be like Him, to become Christ-like. Because He was promised the inheritance of the nations, and He wants to use fragile you and I in the process. Not that we're very good at that, but if we are willing to lay down ourselves, our pride, our ego's, our will and thoughts, ideas and plans, but most of all, if we are willing to let go of our pain, anger, frustrations, worries when He wraps His loving arms around us.... Than He will everytime again release us from it, and replace it with fruit to gain a world. We need His love and His meekness, His joy and His peace, His kindness and goodness. Whoever in his own strenght could display such longsuffering as Christ did when He hung at the cross for us? He suffered as long as was needed to gain the price that came with that: our very redemption! We need to get back into that original relationship God had planned for us all along. Where we love Him with all our hearts, and all our might. Where we will worship Him and Him alone to tell Him how much we love Him. Not for what He does or can do, but for Who He is. Love Him always! I love to lead people to that place. It's an honour to do so.

Right now I am waiting to see where He will lead us. Renewing our strenght, but also renewing our dedication to worship Him like He's worthy to be worshipped and praised. I recently picked up my instrument and opened my mouth to let out a shout of praise. It's personal. I don't know for sure if Nameless Faceless will be back publicly ever. And if so, in which setting.  I guess we will just wait on Him and see what the journey brings.

For now I just wanted to encourage all of you to enter into His chambers on a personal level and just love on Him. Worship Him because He needs to be seated on His throne. He is holy, and enthroned on the praises of Israel!  It's urgent. Because He's worth it, He's worthy to be praised. So, let's praise the King of Kings!


Maurits (Frontman Nameless Faceless)